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Inspection Doctor performs professional home inspections and commercial inspections in Broward, Dade and Palm Beach counties that can include Comprehensive Inspections, 4-Point Inspections, Wind Mitigation Inspections, Termites and Mold Inspections.

Comprehensive Home Inspection is a type of inspection that is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall condition of the dwelling. The inspection is based on observation of the visible and also the apparent condition of the structure and its components on the date of the inspection, it will not determine future conditions. A Comprehensive Inspection is essentially a “visual snapshot” of the condition of a property at the time of the inspection. That condition is described in the Comprehensive Report.

Four Point Inspections focus only on four main areas of interest in a home: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Electrical wiring and panels, Plumbing connections and fixtures and Roof. Insurance companies
statistics show that homes over 25 years old have more claims than newer homes. An insurance carrier wants to make sure they will not insure a home that has existing damage or is in poor condition. This inspection is done in a way to check the age, parts and conditions of the four areas of the home listed above, and must be done before new insurance coverage begins.

Termites can also cause serious damage to the structure of the house or building. Termite infestation involves a two-way expense: the cost of eradicating the termite (which can cost a lot depending on the scope), and the even more expensive structural repairs necessary to fix the damage. If you want to avoid this two-fold avoidable cash-out, make sure you hire the service of a termite inspector before proceeding to buy a house or property. The Mold Inspection purpose, in a home inspection is to determine the presence of mold spores in an indoor environment and also the amounts found in the air or a surface. Mold testing is important in order to determine air quality.